Muslim and Single

- A premium service for UK only Muslims. - Our no.1 aim is to help our users find love leading to future happiness, inshallah. - It?s free to register and try our site. - We check all profiles & pictures uploaded. - Safe & secure site - Dedicated UK customer service team.

Muslim and Single Reviews

    Very dissapointed

    I joined the site a few days ago. After spending time to fill in all my details to become a paid member I can not login!!!rnI know my password but then I tried to put forgotten password and it stated the e mail address does not exist. I never received a confirmation e mail either.rneveryday I send them e mails regarding this issue,however no response.rnchecked my bank statement and the money has been taken but I am told that I am not a member.rnWill phone them and see if I can manage to get through.rnwill update once I have spoken to someone.rn


    Please read review


    nice site. no frills. all from UK so is a bonus

    everyones from the UK and looks genuine

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