Mirror.co is a new form of web interaction. Mirror allows you to connect with others based on the qualities you value, for dating, social or professional purposes. Facebook does a great job of connecting you with people you already know; you can chat with friends, share photos with family, etc. However, it does a very poor job of connecting you with people who you don’t know, but possess the qualities and interests that are important to you. For instance, let’s say you are single and want to find all of the guys in your area who are attractive, intelligent and loyal, not as told by them in an anonymous profile like you’d get on some online dating site, but by the people in their life who know them best. Or you are looking for a responsible roommate, a funny, motivated work-out partner, or a talented and respectful photographer, Mirror.co allows you to search by the qualities that interest you most and connect with the individual via SMS or email (secure and anonymous of course) in a verified manner. There are no anonymous or fake profiles since every user is not only verified by SMS and email, but also has their interests and personality brought to life by those who know them best; their friends, co-workers, family, etc.

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