
This site is a lot of fun if you just want to make legitimate friends from all over the world. If you want to use this site as a dating site.... be very cautious. There are plenty of scammers on this site, looking to lure you in. 90% of them that want to meet you are scam artists. If you are sharp, you can catch them by what they say and how they say things. Most of the scammers will not friend request you either. The good part of this site is, that if you keep it on a platonic's a lot of fun. Also this site will not allow you to share email or messenger information. It is automatically blocked... which is a good thing, keeping people from contacting these scammers. However, there are always ways around that. Just be cautious and have fun.

It's a very fun site.. if you keep it on a platonic level.

It's a scammers paradise on this site... looking for the lovelorn. If they send you messages and do not request to friend you....DELETE THEM!! I do not recommend that you use this site as a dating site.

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