Reviews from this user


Review: verification process

if you are worried about your passport info do what I did and black out the numbers that mean anything. (the passport number in particular) I used an old expired passport and blacked out the importent numbers they had no problem using this. since they just wanted picture/with your name for varification. and if they can steal a passport without the passport number they didn't need the passport image to begin with...

Review: not worth it

yep I joined this site figured I would save money by signing up for a few months on a payment plan. after a month I had sent dozens of messages and not a single response. most sites I get at least some responses I may not be super good looking but i'm not to bad. They wouldn't give my money back till i threatened them with legal action but I got my account canceled and my money back. definitly the site I hate most of all the ones I've tried.