Xpress.com is one of the world's biggest and most effortless to utilize grown-up dating locales. Our mission is to guarantee that each of our clients join with the individual they're looking to meet. Is it true that you are tired of managing the same tiresome methodologies that appear to run as one with dating online? It appears to take always to basically begin on most dating destinations! Give us a chance to streamline that process and make it work for you. We've built our site to guide you through critical points of interest that will help you get laid as fast as could be expected under the circumstances so you can get right to what matters! Include to the extent that as meager particular data as you like and alter your profile whenever, on the grounds that let's be honest, your needs are continually changing. Xpress utilizes the most a la mode calculations to help you discover sex. Our relationship masters have likewise helped the creation and usage of our site, on the grounds that we need to certification to our customers that it lives up to expectations. We've invested years assembling a dating motor that works for you on the grounds that we know your time is important. We aren't upbeat unless our customers are! Also now we've raised the stakes on transferring a fundamental profile photograph to permit you to transfer a VIDEO profile too. Texting, feature visiting, intuitive talk rooms – at Xpress there's an arms stockpile of apparatuses intended to expand your shots of discovering a companion with profits. At Xpress, you have the capacity to see who has been looking at you! Other dating destinations don't provide for you the choice, however with us you cannot just see who has included you as a companion, yet who needs to meet with you and even the individuals who were interested enough to view your profile! Presently you have a full program of individuals that you know are intrigued by snaring. We trim the fat and get down to what's truly critical indulgences. There's no surer approach to meet your match than to blanket each accessible plot. The Internet is an unfathomable wild of grown-up dating alternatives that could be hard to arrange. That is the reason Xpress.com provides for you a bigger number of decisions than whatever viable dating site. Only out of a long haul relationship and searching for a causal excursion or hookup? We can help via matching your profile with others searching for comparative encounters. Whether it is an issue, one night stand or a long haul relationship that you need, we can help you discover it. We are additionally elective lifestyle well disposed, as confirm by our itemized profiles. So what are you holding up for? sign up free today! At Xpress we pander to recognizing daters. That is the reason we'll have you fill in a standout amongst the most definite 'What I'm Looking For' segments on the web to slender down your matches and lead you to EXACTLY who you're looking to meet. Alternately, you can scan for a match yourself and channel by age, area, diversions, and a flock of other criteria you yourself have quite recently rounded out! The more you exploit the Xpress.com, the better your chances of achievement.

XPress.com Reviews


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    xpress. com = scam

    they send me hundred of spam and they have an anti-spam policy wow this site is not serious



    Sucked in

    This site is full of bogus profiles. First of all it's not very mobile friendly. With constant popups trying to steal your money if you do not pay attention. Like others state you get cryptic one line replies that's designed to keep you hanging on. They even tried to rip me off by charging me got one of their fake sister sites, yet the kept telling me they had ve no record of the charges.So I had the charge reversed. I have never been in a worse dating site period. You have been warned, stay away.

    Some nice pictures

    Poor navigation, popups and general shitty design.

    Lead on

    After meeting a few women on this site, I thought it wasn't a scam.
    Then after I cancelled for awhile, I rejoined and now I've noticed that EVERY SINGLE woman on this site that I communicate with, wants to only communicate vie Xpress's email until we "Get to know one another" (Lies). They continually say that they want to meet...but they want to get to know me better. These continual non informative emails that get NOWHERE, are just a ploy to keep people on this site. I now believe that the owners of this site pay or credit women to use the same tactic, show interest and give little information ....and rarely. This site is so aggravating. The women use the same verbiage and tactic, so it leads me to believe that there is a model used by them that was given to them by the owners of this website. I am cancelling my membership permanently. Even if you are an attractive man....DO NOT PAY FOR THIS MEMBERSHIP!

    Great pics

    Tactic by owner(s) pay or credit women to just lead you on

    scum bags

    Yes, yes, yes. This is all fake. The profiles , the responses, the girls.
    The business people behind this website are not fake, they are real. They want your money and they get it.
    Waste of time, money, etc.
    Somebody shut these people down.

    I'm much wiser now

    This website

    Don't make my mistake.

    The only reason I signed up for this site is because it was 'officially' reviewed by some dating review websites. Turns out these sites were paid off by xpress.com to create FICTITIOUS 'data' about their success with the site. Got a 3 month membership as a result and heavily regret it. All, and I repeat, ALL the 'women' on this site are either:
    -'online emissaries' (read the terms and conditions..) who are employees disguised as women on the website that are paid to respond to your messages and keep you busy while you continue failing to hookup .

    Overall if you don't want to waste endless hours of your time and a good chunk of money, do not sign up for this site.

    You will learn a lesson or two about capitalism and how it corrupts people to the greatest extent.

    You will not hookup. Guaranteed!

    photo upload problem

    You can't upload photos to your profile the same you do with all other online dating services.

    Can't upload JPG photos from computer. Every other online dating service this is no problem.

    Xpress.com a solid ripoff and fraud

    I received about ten notices of very attractive women interested in sex who "viewed my profile" This was followed by at least 6 that wanted to allegedly meet me. When I responded in the affirmative, not one...not even one acknowledged my reply - even with a "never mind, or "buzz off".

    Lean a lesson. any nice looking woman can have men lined up without using this BS. Look in the mirror and talk to a fool...

    Don't waste your time or money.....Fake and site does not operate well at all.

    The girls are fake and the site just keeps going to upgrade page once you subscribe. Once you subscribe you even stop getting the fake girls writing you. What a joke.

    Rip Off, full of fakes

    I agree this site has no real women, they all are fake. The replies that you get from the so called women are short brief and usually are further questions, of sometimes repeats what you previously answered. These have to be bots, or hired office workers taking on the replies to as if they are these women. I give this site a thumbs down a total scam RIP Off.

    None, but to have your money stolen

    Fake Profiles Fake Women

    Xpress.com is fake

    I received lots of messages before I paid then they became a trickle. No one answers a direct question all you get are short generic replys. Do they have a programme that pick out key words in messages and then generates a reply? No woman seems able to meet for one reason or another, I think this is a tactic to keep you hanging on and then paying more. A total scam!

    None, just false hopes.

    Just a cruel method of getting your money.

    Hates real life Females.

    This site was given to me by a friend of mine said I could meet great guys here.. WRONG.. This site will not allow me to even have a profile for more than 6 hours.. Seriously I have tried to sign up 6 different times in a 2 week time period.. As a female, this site will not allow a real female to have an accounts at all!!!!!

    The only pro to this is it is online

    Everything, wont allow a Real Life Female to be on it.. and all the girls on there are fakes (bots)... I have 2 Male friends who said all their messages all read the same and it is for suckers who think with the wrong head.. Sorry but this site is only for the fools of the world!!

    its a total rip off

    its a total rip off,this site and its affiliates need to be shut down if they can't provide real results.I coulda got more on a pornsite than this site.I'm definitely getting my money back.


    Everything its a waste of good money

    definitely a scam

    after I read these reviews and finally figured it out, I told one of the women I was communicating with that I had not been completely honest with her, that I was really employed with the California Attorney General's Office. Haven't heard a peep from anyone on the site since.

    foxy women. like going to a strip club. you can spend lots of money but no touching

    a complete scam

    Contact your state Attorney General

    They deal with scams like this, and it will only take one activist AG from one state to shut xPress.com down.


    A ripoff

    A Total Scam

    How stupid can guys be? Yes, of course it's a scam, and a brazen one. The hotties here will never, ever consent to meet you or give you an actual e-mail address or phone number. No matter what you write them, and no matter how often, all you'll get in return is vapid, single-sentence enticements unrelated to the message you sent them.

    The scam works because guys are so bloody stupid. They actually want to believe that there are a bazillion gorgeous women out there who are eager to screw your brains out. Look at their pictures. Do they look like the kind of women who would be desperate to get laid? Another thing is that their ideal match could be an Albanian dwarf, since all of them have checked "Does Not Matter" in every descriptive category.

    If investigative journalism still existed, some newspaper could write a great expose of these sleazy operators. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll pitch the story to 'Wired' myself...

    In the meantime, guys, if you set yourself up as a hot babe on this site, you'll see how lucrative the business is. You'll receive from 200-500 messages every day, all from guys whose brains are in their dicks.

    None. It's not even a good outlet for fantasizing, since the e-mails you get from these girls could have been written by a machine, or perhaps even a smart chimpanzee.

    You're dealing here with a bunch of weasels

    What a scam...

    All the other reviews hit it on the head. This site sucks in every way. I don't think there's a real woman on the site. Daily BS lines from "women" that are clearly not another person looking to connect. No response to queries to company, charges to CC, etc. This place is bad news.

    Absolutely none.

    Just a hyped website with no content.

    XPRESS.COM - A real rip off, don't loose your time and money...

    This site is fake and should be removed by the authorities as you receive mails from young girls saying that they are interested, but they never want to chat on other systems, and they send you one liner a day or so, in which they do not really tell you anything.
    You can also find prostitute that will accept to meet you providing you are paying.
    If you stay there long enough, and try to get their guarantee, they find all kind of excuses not to give it to you and after few messages they erase your profile.
    It is easy for them.

    Nice pictures either nude or not.

    The word says it all... CON

    Xpress is a rip-off

    I should have read here before joining, but I didn't. I only bought the trial, so I'm not out much money. This site has fake women and fake information.

    Pretty pics

    No real people. Contacts are not compatible. Emails are sent from people who seem interested, but are fake. For example....why would a 30 year old hot woman want to date a 52 year old man... NOT REAL!

    I like this review site and should have searched for it long ago.

    Xpress is fake

    I had just left a relationship so I was vulnerable and dounf Xpress.com to be really appealing. I should have read reviews firs but I was horny. After makinga profile I received quite a few e-mails, requests to meet and so on but all from Chicago. I don't live anywhere near Chicago. After a while I began to question the legitimacy of this site. Several women who said they wanted to meet me I agreed but then never heard back from them. Then I found the site XXXMatch and low and behold the exacty same site with exact same photos and everything. This time I just opened a blank profile with no phot and I began getting requests to meet when these women don't know squat about me. Who knows I could be a serial rapist. I then requested to cancel my membership so I would not ge automatically billed for a renewal. Eve though I am paid through the end of the year I no longer get any e-mails since I cancelled. Word of advice don't bother this is a total ripoff praying on lonely men.

    Nice website design and attractive women (photos).

    Everything, just a way to steal money from you. I am convinced that there are no real people on this site.

    Believe that most dating sites are bogus

    Based upon what others have stated about XPress, I decided to do a test. Now, I am a pretty darn good looking guy, slim, and in shape. I was receiving dating and meeting requests from some of the females in my area. When I replied to them I simply asked each one if they would provide me with their cell phone number and personal email address as I wanted to prove if XPress is legitimate or not by calling or emailing them to verify. I get one sentence generic replies back with "why don't you think this site is legitimate?", "you don't think I'm real?", "I'm sorry you feel that way", etc,. These replies only come through the site . None have ever given me their cell phone or email address even though I sent photos and explained what I was trying to do. What I would like to know is why the FTC allows these bogus sites to continue to rip everyone off. Probably because they operate out of a third world country.

    Absolutely none.

    The word says it all. CON.

    Total fraud. Don't waste your time or money.

    This site is totally fake. None of the "women" are for real. They are all just people who get paid to put up fake profiles with pictures of models, and stories about how hot and horny they are.

    If you want to see how fake it is, for free, just create a profile there. Don't upload any pictures or say anything about yourself. Just create a blank profile. Then watch and see how many emails you get from all kinds of really hot looking women, saying that they want you. Watch how many "meet in person" and "date me" requests you get. They're just trying to get you to pay up so you can read all the emails you're getting from all these phony women.

    If you end up making the same mistake I made, spend a few months on this site, thinking you're actually going to meet someone, you will be disappointed. And if you try to collect on their "100 Day Guarantee," you'll find out that even the guarantee is a scam!

    It's a great site if you like to pay good money to look at phony profiles and get emails from people who get paid to pretend to be interested in meeting you. If that's what you like to do, you will like this site.

    You won't actually meet real women on this site. You will only find phony profiles, and you will only get emails from people who get paid to send messages and pretend to be interested in you. The "100 Day Guarantee" is lie. The whole thing is just a big scam.

    A total waste of time

    This site will send you people that some how love your profile despite it being blank. A little trick I learned a while back. Register, but don't fill anything out. All of a sudden I get e-mails, flirts, views and all these women young enough to be my daughter wanting to meet and thinking I'm the greatest thing, all with a blank profile. This site is a scam from the get go. If you register and get a luck, that is just it you were lucky, but I wouldn't put money into this site if some one else paid it.

    Some nice pics, and they know how to flatter you

    None of it's real, and the odds of connecting are little to none.

    A Scam as bad as it gets - STAY AWAY

    Immediatly after joining this site I started getting messages from much younger girls. About 95% were all from only 2 city's which is not even close to me....in fact 2-3 states / 100's of miles away. Messages are most always time stamped after midnight and especially 2:00am -3:00am when most people are asleep. You will never get a responce in the daytime or early evening. NOTICE: Your credit card is billed with an overseas transaction sur-charge. I've NEVER seen a profile as "online now" except once and never got a responce back until the weeee hours of the morning, again asleep. Messages are always one line "teasers" and when it gets near the end of your paid membership...watch out because they really start pouring in on then. Tell one your membership is about to expire and suggest communicating from pvt. email and you will everytime get a "No"...whats wrong with talking here they say. XPRESS is a proven SCAM and the FTC and credit card companies should shut then down because they are a FRAUD.

    Nice Photos

    Profiles are made up and the contacts messaging you are likely compensated to keep you going to induce ongoing paid membership.

    XPress so far seems like a totally bogus site

    I, unfortunately, did sign up for the Gold membership. What the heck. $30 or so is not a big deal. Yes, I have received interest from a few females, all of course are model types. I answered most of them back and have received a couple of email answers. As others have indicated they seem like just standard generic answers. Just today I responded to one member and asked for her phone number so that I could verify if she was real or not. I don't expect her to provide that and maybe she won't even answer back. Now, since the original purchase indicated that the membership will automatically be renewed until cancelled, I am wondering how easy it will be to cancel. I don't see anywhere on their site that gives the opportunity to cancel. If all else fails I will call them to cancel and follow up with a cancellation email. They are probably banking upon members who won't report them to the Federal Trade Commission for fear of being exposed.

    Non that I can find.

    Most probably a total ripoff and that most, if not all of the people on the site, don't exist except in photos.

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