Reviews about Dating Sites


    Review about Fling2night

    Buyer beware............this site is totally FAKE..........I notice this site is based in Poland, interesting

    NONE ZERO..........0


    Flirt State is 100%a scam site

    Review about Flirt State

    This site is money driven. Don't bother reading any of the profiles, they are meaningless. Every woman there only wants to chat there. I doubt they are even women responding. I think it's a Chat GPT response. The replies are too quick for someone to actually type out. My opinion is to stay away from this site unless you like wasting money talking to a machine.


    You won't ever actually meet someone. It's all just a hustling site. Probably got the pics off of FB or other type sites.

    Experience with Fling2night

    Review about Fling2night

    It’s a total fraud simply put. The “women” lead you on and keep the conversation going and it sucks you into buying more tokens. In reality the women are likely fake and the communication maybe through bots with occasional human oversight.

    Women pictures are gorgeous. What is being spewed out is very sexy and makes you hopeful. Good feeling. Arousing

    Finally when you want to go off site to set up arrangements these things to drag you back in. It’s robbery by total deception!


    Review about Fling2night

    Spent hundreds wasting time and money. The women come on strong, but just waste your time. All they want is to chat. Fakes and scammers. I live in a small upscale town and they all said they were from the same town. All B.S.
    Don't waste your time.

    Good looking ladies

    All fakes and the site is very expensive $40 for 25 credits.


    Review about Fling2night

    Why would a healthy (?) 21 year woman that shows off her nice boobs and whatever want with a 73 year old man (Me)? What a crock!

    Nice Bull feathers.

    Nice Bull feathers.


    Review about CheekyLovers

    All lies many lady's want to get cash out of you plus same person masquerading as another leave well alone take money unauthorised from account not just few dollars




    Review about CheekyLovers

    Robotic messages girls do not exist take your money and run ph numbers are false and sometimes in Philippines


    The Worst Dating Site

    Review about Skout

    I use to be on Skout I had no problems with it for awhile but then all of sudden I started realize nothing but perverts; scammers; trans and ugly lowlifes hang out there. Hell my ex bf was on the SKOUT he was the biggest pervert of them all. I deleted it after my ex bf was using it to stalk me and contact to me I got so sick off his advances so I decided to delete my account and never went back after that; it�s a waste time trying find decent guys on SKOUT near your area that aren�t lowlifes or middle age like in their in 50s; I suggest if your looking for friend or someone to love go choose match; hinge or harmony they filter the profiles on their dating sites in my opinion.

    Okay at first if you want be noticed and kick start what a dating site is like if your a newbie.

    Worst place to find friends or a love interest.

    The Worst Dating Site

    Review about Skout

    I use to be on Skout I had no problems with it for awhile but then all of sudden I started realize nothing but perverts; scammers; trans and ugly lowlifes hang out there. Hell my ex bf was on the SKOUT he was the biggest pervert of them all. I deleted it after my ex bf was using it to stalk me and contact to me I got so sick off his advances so I decided to delete my account and never went back after that; it’s a waste time trying find decent guys on SKOUT near your area that aren’t lowlifes or middle age like in their in 50s; I suggest if your looking for friend or someone to love go choose match; hinge or harmony they filter the profiles on their dating sites in my opinion.

    Okay at first if you want be noticed and kick start what a dating site is like if your a newbie.

    Worst place to find friends or a love interest.

    Sofisticated scam

    Review about

    Attention poeple
    qiran site is a very sofisticated scam .. most women profiles are fake just women photos not real women and most of the ptofiles are very old goes back to 2012... 2013... 2014.... 2015.... 2026... 2017 etc.... dead profilesv that how qiran s, ******** p. Are scaming everyone.... I emailed more than , 30 women ( pictures, ) none of them replyed which clearly confirm that qiran is committing scam and forgery crimes which law severly punish for it ... now it out responsibilties as victimes to report this scam to the autority in charge and come together and file a law suite.


    Review about Fling2night

    All most got me the women seemed so real and legit untill i had 18 yr old girls wanting to meet up come to my house and fuck my brains out had alot of 20s yr olds also so i got 7 credits and put it to the test. I called the bluff on the ones saying im begging can we meet up i want your cock your place or mine and asap so i said my address and said now i will be ready when you get here then all the excuses started need to get to know you better bla bla bla they are all the same. One gal i was talking to was on line72 hrs straight claim thet just left the site open all the time. I was born at night but not last night

    they were good at what they do

    its a total fuckinf ripoff they need to be shut down as far as im concerned its nothing less than fraud

    Hire The Best Certified Hacker

    Review about MarryMeSugardaddy

    Hire The Best Certified Hacker For Crypto Recovery // Captain WebGenesis.

    Contact Captain WebGenesis: Text Call / Whatsp +1.5  .0.1.  4.3.6  .; captainwebgenesis @ Hackermail. c om
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    In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, scams and fraud have become prevalent issues that often leave victims devastated and helpless. However, amidst these challenges, Captain WebGenesis emerges as a beacon of hope for those who have fallen victim to crypto scams. With its unparalleled expertise, efficiency, and commitment to justice, Captain WebGenesis stands out as the best company to recover crypto after a scam. 

    It is really good

    Review about CougarCrush

    It is really good

    It really nice

    Don't have experience yet

    Totally fake.

    Review about Fling2night

    Supposedly some one will want to meet up or talk and then some AI comes back and just repeats what you say or they'll Say "Unfortunately I have something urgent I'm working on how about we make the most of our time here?" trying to get you to waste money on tokens.

    Lots of pretty fake pictures. If you call that a pro.

    Every conversation recycles back to staying on the site instead of actually communicating.

    How to Recover Lost Usdt / Btc

    Review about MarryMeSugardaddy

    OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST can help recover lost Usdt from Telegram investment scams. One of the most common types of crypto scams is the Telegram investment scam. Scammers use the Telegram messaging app to lure victims into investing in fake investment schemes that promise high returns. These scams often have common characteristics, such as promising guaranteed returns, using fake testimonials and endorsements. Contact OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST right away and redeem your funds.

    Learn more; omegarecoveryspecialist . c om
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    Review about MarryMeSugardaddy

    I recovered my lost wallet worth more than 13 BTC through Omega Crypto Recovery Specialist. It was a smooth and transparent process. The initial consultation involved an assessment of the situation to determine the best course of action. The tools and techniques used by Omega Crypto Recovery Specialist to recover lost Bitcoin wallets are state-of-the-art and highly effective. Thank you Omega and I highly recommend them.

    Website;__ omegarecoveryspecialist .c om


    Review about MarryMeSugardaddy

    I am a California resident and I was convinced by an online acquaintance to venture into cryptocurrency investments using a trading platform called Amead Digital Currency Co. LTD tyshw . com. Initially, I invested $25,000 on the platform and believed the account had grown to $130,000. When attempting to withdraw the funds, an Amead representative informed me I needed to pay 20% of the profits for “FATCA taxes” for the withdrawal. So I transferred an additional $20,000 to Amead but did not receive any funds. Subsequently, I discovered that my Amead account was locked, and the online acquaintance ceased responding to messages, and the website is down. In total, I lost $45,000. My sister advised to get hold of an ethical hacker to track the whereabouts of the people behind Amead and we were refereed to gearheadengineers . org. I had no knowledge of the existence of the services the offer I was pleased that they are quite experts in this because it only took them less than 12 hours to activate my withdrawal. I hope others of these types of crypto scams can get hold of them.

    Doesn't deliver on its promise

    Review about OtakuBooty

    Nothing but cyber bullying and mockery. Not a single real woman to be seen anywhere.


    No real women, owner is a jerk, some of the meanest people online.

    Absolute junk

    Review about 7OrBetter

    So it seems like there are very few REAL people with REAL profiles here. Plus they tried to charge my card twice. Getting in touch or even getting a response from their "team" is an absolute joke. I caught three fake profiles and emailed them... Then got "logged out" of my account...hmmm... I didn't log out... So, don't waste your time. There are actual forums for larger men to go to as well as us women looking for them that are free. Actually free!!!

    The 30% that were real people.

    The 70% that were not real people with REAL profiles.

    Mighty Hacker Yuri is the best

    Review about MarryMeSugardaddy

    I give all the thanks to Mighty Hacker Yuri for recovering my USDT crypto ($105,000) lost to a ponzi scheme. When my life was almost over Mighty Hacker Yuri brought hope back. I greatly recommend him to anyone who has experienced similar situation or any crypto scam at all.
    Contact Mighty Hacker Yuri now
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    Waste of time and money

    Review about Fling2night

    Every initial message is basically - I need it so bad, come over NOW! and yet if you suggest going off platform to texting or emailing. It's an immediate deflection or simply ignoring the request. Either a pretty good bot, or a catfish. And no matter who you message they respond in minutes if not seconds. Just say no.

    The interface is decent. 1 token = 1 message is a nice simple currency.

    As I said before, everyone I interacted with was either a bot or catfishing to get you to spend $$$.

    Scam site

    Review about Iranian Personals

    I got subscriptions twice and paid and the web site didn�t up great my profile, when i contact with them they didn�t return my money back just said that we gonna fix , and nothing until now you showed my subscription will be expired soon but nothing work

    Scam site

    Review about Iranian Personals

    I got subscriptions twice and paid and the web site didn’t up great my profile, when i contact with them they didn’t return my money back just said that we gonna fix , and nothing until now you showed my subscription will be expired soon but nothing work

    Abusive and offensive language

    Review about Iranian Personals

    The website is full of members who use abusive language and the site does NOT do anything about it. You can report them but the site does not care. The WORST dating site ever. They should be sued over their lack of responsibilities and encouraging online abuse.


    Many RUDE and ABUSIVE behavior. Very DISGUSTING.

    Bot site

    Review about Fling2night

    This site is a total Money Pit. They all are online all the time and its not anyone real. Do NOT use this site. It's made for someones pocket to get filled. No one is on that other end who is a real person. When asked a simple question of NYC of what store do you goto the most the response was a deflection to lets chat. Anyone who lives in NYC knowswhat store we all goto everyday and its called a Bodega! So this evidence is what I present to you as fact and this site is for NO USE to meet up.

    Do not like anything about spending money with no shot at a meet up

    Its a bot chat to suck your money dry