Reviews from this user


Review: Mr.

Hello everyone;
thought this site, I met this lady who recently converted to Islam, I was really happy about the fact that she became muslim.
we met and first meeting went okay, later we started seeing each other every other day, I took her to the best restaurants in town, I drove her around the city and everything ..
few weeks later, my brother told me that he saw that she has updated her profile on muslima! I was honestly shocked! because I thought everything was working out! as we met dozen times already.
When I confronted her about it, she didn't say anything but "I want to explore other options"!
I don't know, I felt it was like a stab in the back! if she wasn't happy about something should should have been told me about it in person and end it, I'm just not happy about the fact that she was seeking to meet other people while we are seeing each other!
that is actually scary! and it sucks!
it gave me the impression that most of the people who converts to Islam suffer from ideological and psychological issues, most of which gets reflected on their self-esteem and you usually find them unsuccessful in their professional life.