Reviews from this user



A typical day on the forums. This beaut. from someone in Australia

"I can pick a scam a mile away.......wherever you are from, go back...must be working out that most are not interested in you or what you are pretending to offer.......seriously, f*** are not needed nor wanted!!!!! "

This said to a regular blog and forums site member. Nice innit! Horrible people start of nice and then wham!


This comment was posted on the UK forums by a male attacking an older female. His still there too! Shocking eh? "And the chick is a stuck up bitch, who thinks she is better than everyone else, that was the opinion of Jo a fellow Scouser who met the woman, I don't know why the troll is still here she laid the boot into everyone on the UK forum last year before leaving, but has returned like a bad smell, she pulled me about my grammar, but her own is appalling then she uses some feeble excuse that she spelt Britain wrong as a test, that must be the same reason that she spelt England wrong on another thread "

Sad to see a UK member behave so badly, it's bad enough on the Inters..