Positive Singles.com

The best, most trusted and largest dating site for STD singles and friends in the world. 70 million people are living with STDs in the U.S. alone, as well as an estimated 400 million people worldwide. Are you one of them? When you have Herpes, HPV, HIV/AIDS, or any other STD, it can feel like you are all alone in the world. Do you wish there was a place where you didn't have to worry about being rejected or discriminated?

Positive Singles.com Reviews

    I think it is better than what neil said.

    It is a niche dating and support site, not a social site. So, you can not expect it is completely free.

    1. It is free to create a profile and do a quick search.
    2. It is free to reply to emails and instant messages from upgraded members.
    3. It is free to post at the forum and blog area. By the way, their blog is very active.
    4.You can get a refund for your payment later if you are not satisfied with the service.
    5. You can delete your profile. It seems neil did not find the link.

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