Reviews from this user

Review about SocialSex

Social Sex. What a load of crap! This site is for SUCKERS, and admittedly I joined, but just for one month. In that month I got a lot of "interested" emails....not one that materialized. I'm a good looking guy, makes good money, and am a professional writer, so I know what sounds good to the girls. Most of the responses were probably from Malaysia with completely bogus pictures.It's a country known to inflitrate and infest sites like this bogus one, sending BS emails in hopes some sucker will divulge information that can be used against him, in blackmail or fraud. WATCH THIS SITE. Want to test it? Look for the BS factors...poor grammar, spelling, all responses are from 20 something y.olds, never older. Repeat emails about nothing at all, to get you hooked into talking more. Look close and you'll spot the BS right away.

I"m sure all "good" reviews are completely made up, and wouldn't doubt if NO guy ever got laid. This is fantasyland for chumps.


Want to be ripped off again and again? You're not into S & M idiot, you're only into M.
