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Most of the responses I got were from foreigners who were not interested in me as much as they were becoming US citizens. There are few if any economic opportunities in the regions the foreigners who contacted me were from. One other, very scary thing I discovered when looking at the facebook accounts of the friends of the Algerian man I was interested in was human trafficing. I saw what looked like 12 year olds dressed up like prostitutes with much older men (and only men) liking their photos as well as evidence of organ trafficing. PLEASE, MEN AND WOMEN, DO NOT GO TO MEET SOMEONE IN AFRICA OR THE MIDDLE EAST WHO YOU HAVE ONLY MET THROUGH THE INTERNET. IT COULD COST YOU YOUR LIFE!!!

Getting a lot of attention from men makes you feel special like no other dating site.

The let down when you realize all the lavish attention is really only about the opportunity fir them to get a greencard.
