Reviews from this user


Review: Miss Craig

Jennifer and C, I too have wasted money on SA. I even bought Wade's book lol! I have yet to meet anyone from there and I've been a member for 4 months.. Maybe I don't take as many risks as some, but for the most part, my ad doesn't even have that much exposure (at least they DO let you see the number of profile views)...

I've met a couple of Duds from the sd dot com site though, but the keyword for the day is, "dud"...

I often wonder if there is a forum somewhere for the ladies so that we may help protect ourselves. I can name at least 3 time-wasters. If not, one of us should begin one. If you agree, pls contact me at realhipchick and the yahooooo of all of the coms.. Thank you so much and pls stay safe!

Love ~Kiss