Reviews from this user


Review: Mr

The problem with these franchises using cupid supplied dating facilities is that they all have features to create fake profiles which can be controlled by just one email. So basically, you could be talking to sockpuppets as it happened to me.

Now I jump str8 to the point and ask the profiles I am interested to take me to a facebook page of theirs, some other social networking site or MSN.

Review: appreciation

This place looks a place full of girls at first until you notice there is hardly any perspective candidates in Europe and America. What is even worst is that the majority of those contacted where either evil or just plain stupid because it was easy to work out how disingenuous they were. Muslim girls who are at their computers at 2am in the morning Morocco time does not exist at all.
Also, I once tried to speak Polish to a profile claiming to be Polish only for the person to ask what I was talking about. They could not even bother to Google translate my words.