Reviews from this user

Qiran.Com: Disappointing Service

Review about

I can not recommend Qiran.Com. Here's my experience ...

I spent a great deal of time and effort composing a high quality, 100% accurate profile. Upon its approval by Qiran's staff, I received several notices of interest, a few of which piqued my curiosity and inspired me to seriously pursue a spouse.

Unfortunately, less than two weeks after subscribing to Qiran, my profile was inexplicably and abruptly deleted. I received a brief notice informing me that I had provided a "fake/invalid" profile, which is nothing short of an egregious falsehood. Since then, I have attempted to contact Qiran's customer service on numerous occasions and received no response. They have no telephone number by which they might be reached. All inquires and complaints must be submitted via email or snail mail to a conveniently anonymous source.

While a few may have attained a measure of success with the site, there are many reviews (elsewhere) of Qiran that complain of overbilling and poor customer service, so I know I'm not alone. Personally, I wouldn't wish my own frustration with this service upon anyone.


Review: One of the best Muslim Marriage sites out there

Reviews written by Qiran.Com staff members or friends thereof don't constitute a reliable evaluation.

Nice try, "Sami."

Review: Fake Profiles on Qiran

So what can be done about this fraudulent business?

Surely Canada has an equivalent of the Better Business Bureau or Department of Consumer Affairs, no? These hucksters should be run out of business and fined for their activity.


Review: Qiran is a horrible website

Thanks. Confirms what we've known ever since dealing with these con-artists.

Review: If seriously looking stay away from

Jazakullah khayr for your review.

If you're interested in becoming acquainted with a genuine male muslim as opposed to a "fake/invalid" one, please visit and drop an email to my shaikh about "Al-Imam." I believe we'd be better off avoiding these snake oil sites all together.

Review: Mr

It appears you haven't actually taken time to read some of the reviews here. My criticism was not directed at the site users. It is the administrative staff of itself that deletes accounts with unexcusable prejudice.

It also appears you're not a convert, so you're probably considered "safe" and "non-threatening" in that regard. So happy for you that you could avoid interracial marriage.
