Reviews from this user

Remorse and regrets

Review about OurTime

I heard of on a cable channel. I was looking for the 40-ish age group, and thought this had potential. I created a profile, complete with pics and some background info. On day one, I had 9 messages. On day two, I had 10 more messages. I was so excited, but I couldn't retrieve my messages without a paid membership. My card info was surrendered, and all "terms/conditions" were blindly accepted. BIG MISTAKE! I go to my "messages," and 99% of them were from different time zones! Very few of them had pictures! One hundred percent of my messages were auto-bot remarks--all very similar to each other! I was through after the first hour of my membership. I asked for an immediate refund, but was denied due to the infamous terms and conditions.

...guess how many more messages I got since I paid for my 1 month subscription? ZILCH-ZERO-ZONK!

This site IS A JOKE!! I feel like I was scammed under false pretenses. Please, just don't do it!

Easy to set up profile...

Exactly, this site IS a CON!


Review: Met my girl on our times

Congrats, if it's a true story. Shame on you if it is concocted.