Looking for a fun place to hang around, meet new people, and even date? Then Connecting Singles is just what you were looking for. There are many quality and interactive website out there. However, most charge a monthly fine - some more, some less - for their services. Wouldn't it be great to find something that comes with top-notched services and a fun crowd? Well, you are in luck today, because such a place exists: it's called Connecting Singles. Straightforward and well-designed, Connecting Singles is more than just a dating site. It's a fun and interactive place where all the social, friendly people hang out when online. It's like Facebook, but it gives you the opportunity to jump out of your personal bubble. What can you do on this awesome site? And how could you find a date here? For starters, there are lots of forums, chat rooms and polls, all fun ways to get to meet new people. Other than that you can take advantage of the great features to find the people you want. You can add photos of yourself and benefit from the advanced search options to find people based on location and interests. Liked a pretty lady? Quick, send her a flower. That way she might instant message you. There are more great things to do on this website. The best part is that it's absolutely free. That's why we gladly advise you to go to their website and start having fun.

ConnectingSingles Reviews

    Not if they paid me!

    Over the past few months, this site has gone from one of the worse sites on the Internet , to the worst!
    Quite an achievement to be honest, and it was done quite easily.

    First of all, on the forums they (for some messed up reason) decided to give the thread owners the power to ban people from their threads. Could have worked, but bear in mind, we're dealing with children here... and children that eat the purple crayons!
    Now, if someone doesn't like you, they will wait for you to post, and then ban you, but only after trolling you first.

    Speaking of trolling. Yah, it's rife there. It's now slowly turning into an anti West site. If you have something to say that negates the western world, then it's the place to be. It also seems to grant you immunity from a ban.

    The threads are as if a spotty teenager has finally been allowed onto the Internet. It's all about sex and other subjects that could turn milk sour.

    The moderators. Yah, they are the biggest joke on the site. They really have no idea what the site actually offers. They claimed it was a clean and safe site that doesn't offer meeting up for sex. Yet, they do. Intimate Encounter is one of the options. Though, pointing that out by starting a thread questioning what the member base thought it was, got me banned and thrown off the site. That's how pathetic they actually are.
    But, if you want to ask if anal sex is something you'd do on a first date, or if swallowing semen is OK or how many times you masturbated, then that's perfectly acceptable. Just don't ask a genuine question that you'd actually want to know the answer for.

    Regarding the dating. It's a waste of time. More fakes than a Chinese market, and the site does nothing about them.

    Free abuse.

    There are too many to list.

    What a joke!

    I joined about 6 weeks ago,waited 7 days before able to post,had about 16 hours on site then my profile was deleted.

    I was accused of being a banned member [ think her name was bestbefore?] Whoever this person was she certainly left her mark, as the paranoia on the threads is rife!

    As the site is open to view, whether you are a member or not, I checked the Forums again, and saw that the frenzied mob on there were accusing another member of being this bestbefore.What the hell's that all about!

    In just a short while I discovered the site is run by certain members whose posts leave a lot to be desired ,sexually,racially,whatever. Almost like a porn site judging by some of the posts . You will be torn to shreds and banned if your face doesn't fit from what I have seen of late.

    My advice,avoid C.S. like the plague.Other sites are much more friendly ,as I have discovered.

    Not on there long enough to find out.!

    Too much interference by members who appear to control the site.


    Ii was there for a short time, saw enough, shocking to see a guy in dubai and his so called 'attractive' (not my type) female trolls in murcia, spain (likes using not accurate or recent photos sitting on a bar and posing like a wannabe but never will be model in a field of flowers) and prague (a flitting 'butterfly'......)accusing a female member of being a lovely lady who left due to insults and insulting mails by this thread man in dubai. i was also attacked by this sly smirky smile faced troll in murcia who quoted my name on the forums and created a blog in my name. Hello! Against the rules and all because it was pointed out nicely in mail she was incorrect about the member. This 'forums thread woman' was viewing my profile every day! Isn't that stalking? Turns out she/he is a player, some members told me she/he is a banned member who returned. All nonsense mind you for someone who claims to have a 'phd' (yeah right) and has too much time online for someone in executive management (don't believe everything people tell you there).

    has potential chatting to people if you don't mind all the 'isms' racism, sexism, age-ism, you name it!

    madness about sums this site up! Not suitable for long term serious relationships, success stories rare!

    fake photos (famous people, actors, actresses, models, stolen identities)
    bullying, name calling, fights
    poorly moderated
    some members go to cs jail for short periods of time so they cannot post, but not all members sent to cs jail for the right reasons
    some members get banned and return, not all banned members banned for the right reasons
    scammers, many scammers, some scammers are who they say they are but very clever, manipulative
    site seems connected to porn sites including teenage porn, worrying
    photos can be copied and stolen
    broken hearts

    My advise: Just stay away from this site.

    Well, this site is not a dating site at all; it?s just a brain washing machine from Zionists, with protagonists ?Conrad73? and ?Albertaghost? and some other fake profiles which they can create immediately if necessary, because they are the Zionists slaves running this site and being paid for it. My advise: Just stay away from this site.

    art of dating

    Any 1 can help me? Why art of dating coming wen I try to login. Thanks

    Always coming art of dating wen I try to login .how should I fix this prob ! Any 1 can tell me Plz even I didn't break the rule there. Thank

    CANNOT SIGN IN always get ART OF DATING site ????

    hello can anyone tell me how it s possible I cannot login even I tried with several login names and new profiles and mailing to the managenment (wich not answer) but anyway I always get a message

    Art of Dating

    Browsing through the personal classifieds can be quite frustrating if you really don?t know what qualities or the type of personality it is that you are searching for in the person you are seeking, or in the relationship you are seeking.

    Questions you need to ask yourself before and as you are reading through the personal sections again are: Why are you searching for someone, do you want a companion, a serious relationship or just to make friends with someone new with the hopes of dating. Who are you looking for, are you searching for someone tall, short, thin, stout, young, old, divorced, widowed, single, married, and the list goes on to include all personal choices and preferences in people.

    Discussing this theory a little more in detail - If you have a problem dating someone with kids, you should skip over the classifieds that reveal those people who have kids or you will only be letting yourself down in the end when you are building a relationship. This theory pertains to all of the listings, for example, if you are searching for someone that is just for you, without ever sharing that person with another, search for someone who has never been married or who is not a widow (widower). Once you know whom you are searching for, you will be able to read the personal classifieds with more confidence and decision making abilities.

    Read the classifieds completely, tracking the writing that interests you the most so that you can go back and compare, reread or contact that person. Reading through the entire personal section, or at very least the section that applies your target interest group, you will find a variety of people with vast differences in personalities just through the short descriptions available.

    CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY !!!!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,???????

    connecting singles - I Digress

    (hoera) my intelligence level might be inadequate when it comes to dating, However subconsciously aberration judgement calls from moderators uniquely dissects any tranquility and foppish behaviors that would in fact prevent any conformity beneficial upon having success for conjoining people in a peaceful environment without forum trolls,scammers,protagonist having an inquisition destroying new people they feel inroad
    upon their sacred playground :((

    Find a good dating site, in my opinion this is unequivocally not one

    learn new bigger and more better words

    hate, racism, bully's, trolls, scammers, phoney profiles, phoney photos, dis-respectfulness, time waster

    Nasty People

    The management of Connecting Singles has one rule they consistently enforce, don't criticize the management of Connecting Singles. Other than that it's pretty selective. Fake photos on forums? You'd think they would know what Rowen Atkison or Mel Gibson looks like wouldn't you? Hell I've seen pictures of women stolen from ads that display on CS used in profiles stay up for months.

    As several others have said the worst of the worst is the forums. Supposedly hate speech is not permitted. Not so. If you are raging against certain groups is is OK with Connecting Singles Owners.

    That my friends is freedom of speech. Complain though and that is not alright. In such cases you are the one who is the problem that must and will be dealt with.

    So if you are an upper middle class liberal male with the mentality of a 12 Y O boy join up. You've found your home on line. If not and you still insist on joining and using the forums you will have a large target painted on you back and all the moderators will do about it is pass out rock and freshen up the paint on the target every so often.

    If they are playing a game to rip off Google ads with fake profiles I hope Google ruins them financially for it in court.


    Abusive trolls in the forums with no discipline from so called moderators.

    Homophobics Welcome!

    The last few days CS had had a troll on the forums spewing anti-gay and lesbian crap. Despite several member complaints that the threads violate Connecting Singles "no hate speech" rule the threads and the poster are not removed.

    Sadly this is not a new thing. Some of the regular trolls delight in using names like faggot and dyke regularly in the threads.

    Apparently in the opinion of Connecting Singles parent company some of us are alright to hate.

    Perhaps if they would be more open about their own bigotries they could find their niche market and really succeed.

    You don't have to pay for the abuse.

    Middle school mentality, bigotry, ignorance and bad manners not only tolerated but encouraged by the moderators of the forums.

    not a good website

    great website if you like getting scammed or watching trolls argue in the forums

    cheaper then renting a zombie, troll or drama movie

    bullies, trolls and website moderators who cater to the select few trolls who run the forums

    Just here for the knife fights

    I was told that CS was the biggest troll haven on the net.

    Naturally I had to look. I've seen worse but I have to admit the forums are troll central and the site does not evenly enforce the rules. Damned if I can tell why but there seems to be a certain bias that is "pleasing to the eyes" of the site owners.

    If you like that sort of nasty squabbling by all means jump right into the fray. Otherwise you might want to try another dating site.

    The forums

    The forums

    For Bottom Feeders Only

    Connecting Singles is not a place to find a possible mate, Connectingsingles is a place to watch profanity,degradation, obscene behavior, on a daily basis,Forums are filled with fake profiles and trolls who run the website any reports made in any attempt to make reference to the rules go unnoticed by the moderators of the website. Most are not looking for mates but in their own words they are addicted to the forums and plainly will not leave making it impossible to use the website effectively to find a mate,Reports about the forum trolls will get your profile and membership revoked, The following names have no set rules and run the website, demonfairy,Boban,FreddyFudpucker,jvaski,Conrad73, are a few of the names, reading posters in the forums profiles will show real quick who the fakes are also reading their forum post history, Most are Trolls only in the forums to make offensive, rude and harassing comments, Most of the towns,states and countries are not even close to where they live
    Ron_de_Jeremy for example does not live in Arabia but actually in Ohio
    FreddyFudpucker does not live in Kissmyass or Obamaville Indiana but is actually a fake profile of jvaski who lives in California The Moderators of the website do nothing to stop the breaking of the rules but promote it by not enforcing the rules for these few people which sadly they get revenues from by covering up the sick and pathetic posts of the forum trolls, i would never recommend this website to anyone, I am saying this as a member of the website and have been for several years, Nothing but offensive behavior followed by noncompliance to rules from the moderators of the website.

    easy profile setup

    Scammers and Trolls are abundant Moderators of the website do not enforce the rules or TOS effectively, Most are already married, in a relationship even though connecting singles states you must be unmarried and seeking reports of married people and fake profiles go unanswered, Moderators and the website is for bottom feeders only.
    Only recommendation would be not to join


    Intentionally I jointed this site again with another name to ensure my experience that it's just another fake site totally controlled by a few fake ZIONISTS. And as I don't have to hide anything, I also send them the following, waiting for a comment which never will come...
    But however, just have a look on it:

    ?You not only violate your own rules in an incredible grade, but you also FAKE-WISE manipulate forums in here. And all I say is provable, independently from the fact that you totally delete WHOLE Threads or manipulate some posts only, depending on your interests. Therefore, your entire site is a SCAMMER- SITE and created for political reasons only and I reserve all my rights for legal procedures, regardless your FAQ and privacy policy, because it?s yourself ignoring it.?

    Just keep your fingers out of this fake bullshit site. If you really want to date, there are some good dating-sites who requires some small payment of course, but at least they are TRUE.

    Just take care mates and good luck!

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