I foolishly joined Marital Affair earlier this year and quickly discovered that there are virtually no real or currently active women on the site. Whilst claiming to be an 'affairs' dating site, it was quickly obvious that the bulk of MA's membership are actually the same as the other 'adult' sites run by the company behind it. Since my month's paid membership expired (it was incredibly difficult to cancel - beware, MA automatically re-bill each month) I have been bombarded with blandishments and laughably obvious scams to re-join. Whilst I was a member I calculate that I made contact with no more than 3 'real' women on the site, all of whom said they were no longer looking but had been unable to get MAto remove their profiles. I have since joined a site called Undercoverlovers.com, apparently run by women. Not only does this site not engage in fakery to lure men in, but most of the ladies members are seemingly active and willing to engage. Avoid MA like the plague and join me at UL!
Fake members and messages
Largely inactive membership
Lack of privacy means your profile appears on countless other dodgy adult sites
I've been a member of many dating sites both for singles and marrieds. Compared to the others, I found Illicit Encounters to be a refreshing experience. The ladies I've spoken to seem real and the 4 I've met in the flesh were undoubtedly genuine!! Like all dating sites, the women want to be wooed with wit and creativity. Unlike most dating sites, the ladies on IE seem to be serious about meeting up and taking things further.
I often think that some men think of dating sites as a quick fix to gaps in their real love lives. The online dating world is exactly the same as the real world when it comes to attracting women. You have to work at it.
The relationships I've had via Illicit Encounters have been different because the ladies I've met were looking for the same thing - i.e. not a full time relationship but an affair to fill in the gaps lacking in their married lives. Having matching expectations is important and the 2-3 times a month that we've met has suited both parties.
I would say to the guys who have posted negative experiences here, try again. I'm an average guy - not especially good looking nor wealthy, and yet I've met someone via IE each time I've paid their (admittedly high) upgrade fee.
Genuine women looking for NSA
A good ratio of women to men compared to other dating sites
They don't bombard you with communications
Review: Get real reviews of Illicit Encounters
Typical IE nonsense. Everything critical must de facto be posted by 'the competition' so go to their website to read some of their made up letters pontificating about the site's 'virtues'.
Review: If you are lucky
You say the site is no better or worse than any other commercial dating site. Maybe true, but no other site charges anywhere near IE's ridiculous fees.
Review: Good value if you put the effort in
What an expensive palaver just to meet someone! The vast majority of women on IE do not want to meet up for real, are scammers or fakes created by IE themselves to part you with your hard earned cash. You're better off walking into a Bar and actually talking to ladies face to face. Save your money.
Review: illicit encouters
Go to Undercover Lovers instead. A fraction of the cost and much more chance of success!
Review: A word to the wise
I agree with most of your assessment here. However I disagree that given your criticisms, the ridiculous cost of this site can in any way be justified. There are many more cost effective and less frustrating ways to meet women than wasting your time here.
Review: A scam site!
I too have wasted money with these scam merchants who to my mind are little better than a Nigerian dating scam. Unfulfilled promises and fake females designed to extract cash. I've had more luck at Undercoverlovers.com which you may want to give a go.
By: rodthemod
I too have wasted money with these scam merchants who to my mind are little better than a Nigerian dating scam. Unfulfilled promises and fake females designed to extract cash. I've had more luck at Undercoverlovers.com which you may want to give a go.
Review: Works but ...
One would hope that a website that charges £149 per month would not be so greedy as to engage in the fake profile/fake message scam. Sadly so greedy are these people that they undoubtedly do. I too have several profiles on the site and receive identical messages supposedly from the same woman at exactly the same time. Their scamming could not be more glaringly obvious. Whilst there may be a few genuine women on the site, most are as you say, time wasters, which is unsurprising given that women don't have to pay. This kind of gender based price discrimination is illegal under European law. The only reason IE get away with it is because, given the nature of the site, no guys are willing to stick their head above the parapet to challenge these avaricious shysters. Avoid this site.
Review: Doesn't work. Don't waste your time
Like in all things in life, you get what you pay for. Illicit Encounters is pricey but actually works. Far fewer time wasters than other dating sites and at least people are being honest about their status. I read somewhere that over 30% of people on singles dating sites are actually married, but lying about it. Also the ladies on IE are looking for the same thing - i.e. not commitment and rose covered cottages but to fill in the gaps in their married life. To those who feel conned on IE, you're obviously not going about it the right way! Online dating is no different to real life. It takes creativity and effort to attract a lady's attention.